TELLING II çddf,faa,afa,aaf,faf,ffa,aff ¢ TELLS 'BOUT THE SCENE. ³ written by: PEARL / PARASITE ² Hey all you guys out there here is another article from me,no don't run away it's not THAT booring(I sure don't hope so). ¹ Okay, this little article was writte because lately I have read atleast 2 articles about scene freaks who tried to tell the public what we are doing in the scene,so I thought of telling you some of mine experineces with this subject. The first 2 or 3 friends of mine, I tried to tell what I were doing with my computer got so exited about it and would enter the scene themself, but it only talk because they found out that it's very hard to enter the scen if they havn't got motivation enough,so they dropped the idea but still were very intrested in the scene. At my school we have a thing who in danish is called: "maaneds-opgave" and that means that you will get a subject each month to work with and you will have 1 month to finnish it in. when we should make something about EDB I started to write about the scene(in about 20 pages) and told 'bout every thing plus friendship in the scene. in my grades a get 11(that's the next best in denmark). ¶I am a student on a bording school and when I tried to explain my room-mates why I get all those letters from many diffrent countries,they were also wild and would know more abot the scene, so now, at my bording school, as a known as pearl,quite odd I think. So all my experiences is absolutely positive when I am telling about the scene ,at the moment have my teachers found out that if we are talking about a country etc. then they ask me to get a "country-report"(like in the old yoguslavia) before the lesson ,and I find that rather cool, because that shows that you CAN learn something from the scene. But in another way I want to give SPLIT / BALANCE right in that girls often don't understand what's going on,for example when my girlfriend were at my place whole the weekend she was quite upset because I after i had received the post I was pretty tied up(nice song) with my computer for a few hours,so generally wimens wouldn't understand but all the other normal (boys) creators think it's quite cool that we have our own working socity. Okay,I'm going to a beach party so I want to end this article hope you all enjoyed it and will spread what's going on,at the scene to your "normal" friends...